Tuesday 11 September 2012


The reason I have chosen GCSE Media Studies is because my sister reconmended it as she has done it for GCSE and for her A-Levels this year. She talked to me about this subject as I was very interested in it before. She told me about the course work side of media and some filiming project we may do which made me want to pick GCSE Media for year 11.
In GCSE Media this year I would hope to learn about video editing and filming as this side of the media has always fasinated me and I've always wanted to learn how to edit fliming clips which looks really hard.

On our lesson on Friday, we presented our own music mazaine to the class. Our magazine was called
'Soul Sounds'. Soul Sounds was aimed at the RnB/Hip Hop scene. Our front cover started Rita Ora, also it featured Drake, Lil Wayne, Rhianna, Rita Ora and Flo rida inside the magazine.

Our Overall preformance was good but could of been better. The way it could of been better was we could of gone into more detail about specific part of our magazine such as why we chose Rita Ora as our front cover start, why we targeted the RnB / Hip Hop music scene and why we chose our magazine name to be Soul Sound.
However we did awnser all 10 questions which sir presented to us, but we just kept it short and simple.


  1. WWW: An excellent start to your Media blog with a comprehensive entry. Good evaluation of your presentation to class.
    EBI: You could offer a little more about your music mag - why did you choose that title? You could always fill in the gaps of your presentation here.
    LR: Answer your own questions from above!

    1. We chose the name 'Soul Sound' because when music is being produced many say it comes from the soul. And we chose the word 'Sound' as music is sound we can hear. In addition we chose it because it was catchy and it included allertion with 2 S's.
