Tuesday 27 November 2012

Film Analyse

Johnny English Reborn.

The movie Johnny English Reborn is a comdey movie as the main character Rowan Atkinson who is most commanly known as Mr.Bean is assosiated with comdey movies. Because the fact that Rowan Atkinson is always presented in a comical mood we know that this movie will be a comedy movie.

In the trailer Rowan Atkinson is shown to be dopey where as the voice over says he's a 'top agent'.
An example of this is when Rowan Atkinson is practicing his martial arts move with his group. When they finish off there moves he finish in the wrong direction. In addition, the voice over says 'the worlds greatest spy' and yet again Rowan Atkinson is presented to be the complet opposite as he gets hit by a pole. Which brings the comical side of it

Another example of Rowan Atkinson being portrated as a complet opposite of 'the worlds greatest spy' is when he's flying a helicopter and his side kick says 'do you know how to fly this sir?' and Rowan Atkinson replies 'it's all coming back to me' when he can't drive the helicopter. As he is trying to take off he is cutting the trees beside him with the helicopter wings. This makes the audience laugh as they make out that Rowan Atkinson is another 007 when he's clearly not. Which brings out the comical side of the movie.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Fruit Bowl

We chose from a list of a geners to creat a palette. I chose 'Fruity'.
Then we went on google images and found pictures of that specific gener that we chose.
After chosing that gener we eye droped the picture we chose and filled all in with different colours from the picture.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Camera Work Research Task GCSE MEDIA

Camera Work

Establishing Shot

A establishing shot is a first shot of a new scene, it is normaly a wide shot showing the whole scenery.

Long Shot

A Long shot is a shot of the actor from head to toe, which means they take up the whole frame.

Medium Shot

A medium shot is the most common shot in fliming, this shot shows half of your body not all of your body like a long shot.

Medium Close - Up Shot

The medium close up shot is a shot which is inbetween a mid shot and a close up. This shto shows the face more clearly.

Close Up Shot

A Close up shot is a close up shot of the persons face.

Over the Shoulder Shot

This shot is angled behind the other person's shoulder showing the person who is talking to him or her.

over-the-shoulder shot

High Angle Shot

A high angle shot is a shot above the eyeline.

Low - Angle Shot

A low angle shot is angled below the eyeline.

Task 2

Camera Movement.

CrabA less-common term for tracking or trucking.
DollyThe camera is mounted on a cart which travels along tracks for a very smooth movement. Also known as a tracking shot or trucking shot.
Dolly ZoomA technique in which the camera moves closer or further from the subject while simultaneously adjusting the zoom angle to keep the subject the same size in the frame.
FollowThe camera physically follows the subject at a more or less constant distance.
PanHorizontal movement, left and right.
Pedestal (Ped)Moving the camera position vertically with respect to the subject.
TiltVertical movement of the camera angle, i.e. pointing the camera up and down (as opposed to moving the whole camera up and down).
TrackRoughly synonymous with the dolly shot, but often defined more specifically as movement which stays a constant distance from the action, especially side-to-side movement.
TruckAnother term for tracking or dollying.
ZoomTechnically this isn't a camera move, but a change in the lens focal length with gives the illusion of moving the camera closer or further away.
 Task 3

 The Cut - Replacing a shot with another shot instantly.
Dissolve - Is more relaxed than a cut and moves slower compared to the cut.
Wipe - Is a shot replaced with another by another shot e.g. your other shot comes in from the left to replace the shot which is already playing.                  




Tuesday 11 September 2012


The reason I have chosen GCSE Media Studies is because my sister reconmended it as she has done it for GCSE and for her A-Levels this year. She talked to me about this subject as I was very interested in it before. She told me about the course work side of media and some filiming project we may do which made me want to pick GCSE Media for year 11.
In GCSE Media this year I would hope to learn about video editing and filming as this side of the media has always fasinated me and I've always wanted to learn how to edit fliming clips which looks really hard.

On our lesson on Friday, we presented our own music mazaine to the class. Our magazine was called
'Soul Sounds'. Soul Sounds was aimed at the RnB/Hip Hop scene. Our front cover started Rita Ora, also it featured Drake, Lil Wayne, Rhianna, Rita Ora and Flo rida inside the magazine.

Our Overall preformance was good but could of been better. The way it could of been better was we could of gone into more detail about specific part of our magazine such as why we chose Rita Ora as our front cover start, why we targeted the RnB / Hip Hop music scene and why we chose our magazine name to be Soul Sound.
However we did awnser all 10 questions which sir presented to us, but we just kept it short and simple.